FALKO helps you to maintain a correct posture in your work.

This is how FALKO helps you to maintain correct posture!

How many hours a day do you assume one of the postures you have just seen in video? 

Studies have been made with statistics on the problem of work postures. From these statistics, it has emerged that musculoskeletal problems are very common in the medical sector, especially in dentistry. 

I would like to share with you some data from two scientific studies carried out in recent years.


In the UK, 130 anonymous questionnaires were sent to surgeons of different disciplines. Almost 80% of them reported having regular musculoskeletal pain during surgery.

65% of those who reported having these problems had never sought help or advice, and the remainder had asked for the opinion of another colleague, or self-medicated. Only one doctor informed the occupational health department.

The causes?

– 46% due to posture

– 21% to the use of microscopes

– 21% to the use of surgical instruments

– 11% to the use of surgical goggles or headlamps.

Let me read out the conclusion of this research: “Based on this study, it is hoped that more attention will be placed on promoting better ergonomics in surgery by encouraging the industry to provide equipment that is more comfortable to handle.”

Tecnomed took this phrase as a challenge.

Other studies, for example, those carried out in 2019, have shown that using a viewer in combination with a microscope can give you a superior view, a more detailed view of images, but, above all, it allows the medical professional to adopt a natural, comfortable and flexible posture.


Initially, it was designed to connect to our EsaCam lamp, allowing you to obtain high definition images, with great contrast, and to zoom in up to 30 times.

However, talking with specialist doctors of various branches of medicine, we better understood their needs. This is why we decided to extend the application of FALKO to other medical devices as well.

FALKO, thus, enhances, without replacing, the equipment to which it is connected. 

FALKO provides a new flexible ecosystem.

With FALKO, we raise the bar in terms of the precision, quality and safety of medical procedures, while safeguarding your workplace well-being and health.

We can proudly say that FALKO enhances the use of equipment such as:

FALKO enhances the use of equipment such as:
– Operating microscopes
– Intra-oral cameras
– 3D scanners
– Surgical lamps with built-in cameras
– Dynamic 3D navigation system

In short, you can connect FALKO to all those image acquisition systems, even systems that require images to be viewed on a PC or monitor.

You can also consult the patient file by quickly switching from the camera to the surgery management PC.

Displaying the PC screen also allows us to perform Telesurgery with FALKO, but we will talk about this later.

Please follow us on social media. In the next video, we will explain how simple it is to install the FALKO system in a medical operating environment.

Take care!

See you soon with FALKO updates

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Informazioni interlacciate con l’unità centrale FALKONNECT, selezionabili dal joystick sul visore (PIP switch). Permette di gestire
due informazioni video tra:

Microscopio / lampada con telecamera / telecamera OKKIO HDMI / PC RX / Navigatore implantare / PC / per scanner 3D / Rilevatore apicale per PC / Monitor multi-parametrico / HDMI.

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Interfaccia Videocamera

Con FALKO collegato ad un sistema video (ad esempio microscopio, telecamera lampada, OKKIO HDMI ecc...) e funzione PIP attiva, il medico oltre a vede l’immagine dalla sua prospettiva, vedrà in contemporanea anche l’informazione visiva dalla prospettiva dell’assistente  o del collega accanto a lui. A sua volta l’assistente o il collega (con il visore FALKO WIRE) potrà vedere anche l’informazione visiva del medico. Questo sistema agevola il coordinamento di due professionisti che lavorano entrambi su un paziente.

Modulo Poltrona

Gestione delle funzioni principali di movimentazione delle poltrone odontoiatriche Tecnomed Italia.

Modulo Lampada

Gestione delle funzioni principali della nostra lampada scialitica EsaCam con telecamera.

Comandi sempre a portata di mano:

- Regolazione dello zoom.
- Regolazione diaframma.
- Regolazione intensità luminosa.

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