FALKONNECT: Digital Imaging connect device that’s worth a hundred!

FALKONNECT: a device that’s worth a hundred!

With the rise of advanced diagnostic and imaging tools, medical offices have been filled with a whole host of technological devices.  For this reason, Tecnomed Italia has developed FALKONNECT: a multimedia station with an open system that allows you to connect any device and manage, view, record and archive video data from any medical imaging equipment.

FALKONNECT opens up infinite possibilities.
It allows you, for example, to switch between two different visualizations, to display them in different side-by-side or picture-in-picture modes, to connect two FALKO head-mounted displays, and to triple a PC desktop display.
What’s more, thanks to its dedicated software (available as an option), FALKONNECT allows you to launch an augmented reality connection to get assistance from one or more remote colleagues, or to broadcast training courses for up to 300 trainees.

FALKONNECT is especially useful for resolving posture discomfort and eye pain that dentists often experience during surgical procedures. Interfaced with a FALKO head-mounted display and microscope, this product helps eliminate postural problems. And not only! This technology eliminates indirect vision and prevents the eye from continuously having to adapt to changes in microscope or environmental lighting, allow the dental practitioner to work on an upper arch or palate without having to assume an awkward position.

With FALKONNECT, Tecnomed Italia has also thought about the management of multiple source of visual information.
It is well-known that the use of monitors positioned far from or too close to the operator during procedures can be a hindrance and also lower the hygiene of the intervention site. Additionally, continual head movements between the field of work and a PC monitor can make coordination difficult for the operator between the multiple sources of visual information. The use of a FALKO system interfaced with the FALKONNECT multimedia station allows you to always have everything under complete control, simply by raising your eyes.

There are plenty of other noteworthy features too. FALKONNECT is particularly useful during intraoral scanning, as it facilitates the coordination of hand movements with a desktop view offset from the operator’s vision, allowing for quick and more accurate control of the scanning process.
During operations, FALKONNECT can be interfaced side-by-side with other systems, such as a microscope/camera and the desktop of a guided surgery PC, so the doctor can maintain focus on the operating field. This effectively eliminates visual distractions, and thus improves the accuracy of the surgery.

Our technologies not only benefit the work of the dentists, but also that of assistants, who play a key role in all complex interventions. Using a second FALKO head-mounted display, the assistant can obtain visual information from a better perspective, simplifying the coordination of the four-handed work, allowing the intervention to proceed quickly and efficiently.

FALKONNECT is all this and much more: advanced technology designed to make life much easier for medical professionals.

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2 Responses

  1. dear, I’m interested in cameras on the head and cameras on the stand. What’s the resolution and how big is the zoom. What’s the price and how can I order

    1. Hello Mr. Vladimir Cakan., Thanks for the message. I have forwarded your request to the concerned department.
      Please, send an email with your request to Mr. Giacomo Pierbattisti sales2@tecnomeditalia.com
      Our Sales Manager will be contacted you as soon as possible.
      Thank You Best Regards

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Informazioni interlacciate con l’unità centrale FALKONNECT, selezionabili dal joystick sul visore (PIP switch). Permette di gestire
due informazioni video tra:

Microscopio / lampada con telecamera / telecamera OKKIO HDMI / PC RX / Navigatore implantare / PC / per scanner 3D / Rilevatore apicale per PC / Monitor multi-parametrico / HDMI.

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Interfaccia Videocamera

Con FALKO collegato ad un sistema video (ad esempio microscopio, telecamera lampada, OKKIO HDMI ecc...) e funzione PIP attiva, il medico oltre a vede l’immagine dalla sua prospettiva, vedrà in contemporanea anche l’informazione visiva dalla prospettiva dell’assistente  o del collega accanto a lui. A sua volta l’assistente o il collega (con il visore FALKO WIRE) potrà vedere anche l’informazione visiva del medico. Questo sistema agevola il coordinamento di due professionisti che lavorano entrambi su un paziente.

Modulo Poltrona

Gestione delle funzioni principali di movimentazione delle poltrone odontoiatriche Tecnomed Italia.

Modulo Lampada

Gestione delle funzioni principali della nostra lampada scialitica EsaCam con telecamera.

Comandi sempre a portata di mano:

- Regolazione dello zoom.
- Regolazione diaframma.
- Regolazione intensità luminosa.

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