In any medical environment, cleanliness is a fundamental aspect that must never be overlooked. Computer keyboards and mice are notoriously difficult to disinfect, and can easily become vehicles for the propagation of viruses and bacteria. Wrapping these objects in cellophane is a way to mitigate the problem. However, the inconvenience of needing to provide a support and the slowness and difficultly of operation remain. 
Well, Tecnomed Italia has come up with a definitive, smart solution. From today, it is possible to equip our FALKO visor with a HEAD-TRACKING MOUSE system.  

What is this?
It works just like a computer mouse, with the mouse pointer being controlled by head movement. Thanks to this system, it is possible to interact with a PC during the intervention without needing to use one’s hands.
It is an innovation that simplifies and improves the work of medical professionals.
But that’s not all …
There’s a third pedal too. Using the microphone of our OKKIO USB or ESACAM camera, it is also possible to dictate words and texts directly to your PC. All you need to do is press the third pedal to activate voice recognition. You can therefore fill in a patient file and make notes and reports using dictation, quickly, simply and completely. The computerized voice recognition application, in fact, allows data to be entered into the patient’s file extremely quickly and efficiently. The dictated text will immediately appear on the FALKO display, so that any (rare) mistakes can be corrected. 

In short, here are the advantages of our HEAD-TRACKING MOUSE:

  1. It eliminates the need for a mouse and keyboard, and preserves the hygiene of the medical environment.
  2. It offers the freedom to navigate all PC folders and files, and make any changes completely hands-free.
  3. It cuts the time spent making medical notes by as much as 80%. 
  4. It introduces dictation as a way to enter the details of an appointment or intervention directly in the patient’s medical file. 
  5. It allows you to take pictures during the intervention or bring up previous image files relating to the patient being treated. 
  6. It simplifies the assistant documentation process.
  7. It helps improve the quality of health records.

Using the Tecnomed ecosystem allows you to move between various medical technological systems that communicate with each other and all speak the same language.
Together, the Tecnomed ecosystem is a band of instruments that brings an orchestra to life. Enjoy everything the music has to offer!

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Informazioni interlacciate con l’unità centrale FALKONNECT, selezionabili dal joystick sul visore (PIP switch). Permette di gestire
due informazioni video tra:

Microscopio / lampada con telecamera / telecamera OKKIO HDMI / PC RX / Navigatore implantare / PC / per scanner 3D / Rilevatore apicale per PC / Monitor multi-parametrico / HDMI.

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Interfaccia Videocamera

Con FALKO collegato ad un sistema video (ad esempio microscopio, telecamera lampada, OKKIO HDMI ecc...) e funzione PIP attiva, il medico oltre a vede l’immagine dalla sua prospettiva, vedrà in contemporanea anche l’informazione visiva dalla prospettiva dell’assistente  o del collega accanto a lui. A sua volta l’assistente o il collega (con il visore FALKO WIRE) potrà vedere anche l’informazione visiva del medico. Questo sistema agevola il coordinamento di due professionisti che lavorano entrambi su un paziente.

Modulo Poltrona

Gestione delle funzioni principali di movimentazione delle poltrone odontoiatriche Tecnomed Italia.

Modulo Lampada

Gestione delle funzioni principali della nostra lampada scialitica EsaCam con telecamera.

Comandi sempre a portata di mano:

- Regolazione dello zoom.
- Regolazione diaframma.
- Regolazione intensità luminosa.

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