These legal Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the entire Tecnomed Italia Srl website www.tecnomeditalia.com, and to all parts of connected sites, including, by way of example but not limited to, https://shop.tecnomeditalia.com and www.falkomed.com.
These legal Terms and Conditions of Use shall also apply to any future part of the Tecnomed Italia Srl sites, and other sites owned by Tecnomed Italia Srl, including, by way of example but not limited to, https://shop.tecnomeditalia.com and www.falkomed.com.

Tecnomed Italia Srl may modify these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time by updating this publication. Such changes are binding, and, therefore, the user should visit this page regularly to check the status of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Access to and use of the Tecnomed Italia Srl sites, including www.tecnomeditalia.com, https://shop.tecnomeditalia.com and www.falkomed.com (the “Sites”), and the contents, functionalities and services offered on or through them, are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use contained herein, in addition to all applicable international, federal, state and local laws and regulations.
Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before you start to use the Sites. By accessing and/or browsing the Sites, the user accepts, without limitations or restrictions, to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use and the related Privacy Policy, and acknowledges that any other agreements between the user and Tecnomed Italia Srl shall not replace these Terms and Conditions of Use. Please do not use the Sites (including www.tecnomeditalia.com, https://shop.tecnomeditalia.com and www.falkomed.com ) in case of any disagreement with these Terms and Conditions of Use.


Informational purposes
The Sites (including www.tecnomeditalia.com, https://shop.tecnomeditalia.com and www.falkomed.com) are reserved for healthcare professionals, and contain information on products that may potentially create dangerous situations for the health and safety of patients if not correctly read, understood and applied by an adequately trained healthcare professional. The Sites provide an online information service. The sites may contain information relating to various personal medical, health and fitness conditions. All this is intended for informational purposes only and not as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Do not use the information contained herein to diagnose a health problem or disease. Consult with your appropriate dental or medical practitioner.


Intellectual property rights
The entirety of the material on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl is covered by copyright. Any unauthorized use shall violate copyright, trademark, privacy and publicity laws, and other applicable laws and regulations.
It is not permitted to distribute, modify, copy, publish, transmit, display, sell, licence, use, reuse or create derivative works from the contents or materials displayed on the Sites, for public or commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of Tecnomed Italy Srl.
Tecnomed Italia Srl retains the rights of ownership and authorization to use the images of people or places displayed on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl. The use of such images by the user or any third parties is prohibited.
Any product, service, programme or technology described in the documents published on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl may be the subject of other intellectual property rights belonging to Tecnomed Italia Srl. Tecnomed Italia Srl reserves all rights that are not expressly licensed.
The Sites may include contents provided by third parties. All statements and/or opinions expressed in such materials, with the exception of contents provided directly by Tecnomed Italia Srl, are to be exclusively construed as the opinion and responsibility of the person or entity providing such materials. Tecnomed Italia Srl is not responsible and shall not be held liable to the user or third parties for the contents, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any materials provided by third parties. Any links contained on the Sites to other sites or resources provided by third parties are provided for convenience only. Tecnomed Italia Srl has no control over the contents of such sites or resources, and assumes no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from their use. Any access to third-party websites linked to from the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl shall be at one’s own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use and of privacy of such websites.

Communications on or through the Sites
It is accepted by the user that any communication to anyone made on or through the Sites, including by way of example but not limited to any questions, comments, configurations, specifications, purchase orders or other materials or information, made through any Tecnomed Italia Srl server, by email or by the Sites themselves, is made available knowing that it is not of a confidential or proprietary nature, may be published by Tecnomed Italia Srl, and is authorized as suitable material for publication. By submitting any such material, the user accepts that Tecnomed Italia Srl may publish the information and will be free to use such information for any purpose and/or incorporate it or any concept described therein into Tecnomed Italia Srl products, without any liability. Tecnomed Italia Srl shall be indemnified and held harmless from any third-party action taken against it in relation to the material submitted.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability
The information and services provided or referred to on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl are provided “as is”, with the burden of all defects and all risks relating to quality, performance, accuracy or results falling on the user. This means that, although Tecnomed Italia Srl makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information published on its Sites, it does not issue any guarantee, warranty or any other representation in this regard. Tecnomed Italia Srl makes no guarantee or warranty, whether express or implied, that any information or service provided or referred to on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl is marketable or accurate, that such information or services are suitable for individual purposes or particular needs, or that such information or services do not infringe the rights of any third parties. Tecnomed Italia Srl may periodically add, modify or improve the description of any information, product, service, programme or technology on the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl without notice. Tecnomed Italia Srl assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions on its Sites. Without limitation, Tecnomed Italia Srl disclaims all warranties regarding the availability of the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl, that the Sites will function without errors, that defects will be corrected or that the Sites are free of viruses or other harmful components. Use of the Sites is at one’s own risk, any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Sites of Tecnomed Italia Srl is provided at one’s own risk, and the user is solely responsible for any damage to one’s own computer system or for any loss of data that may result from use of the Sites, including without limitation, damage resulting from computer viruses. Under no circumstances, including, without limitation, negligence, shall Tecnomed Italia Srl be liable to third parties for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages deriving from, caused by, connected to or due to any use of the Sites or inability to use the Sites, including but not limited to any loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programmes or other data of any information management system or otherwise.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
These terms and conditions of use are governed by Italian Law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation and/or application of these terms and conditions of use shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Pesaro, Italy.

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Do you want to know more about FALKO and to receive invitation to live streaming demonstrations with colleagues already using it?
Fill in the form and check out for emails!

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Informazioni interlacciate con l’unità centrale FALKONNECT, selezionabili dal joystick sul visore (PIP switch). Permette di gestire
due informazioni video tra:

Microscopio / lampada con telecamera / telecamera OKKIO HDMI / PC RX / Navigatore implantare / PC / per scanner 3D / Rilevatore apicale per PC / Monitor multi-parametrico / HDMI.

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Compila il form, verrai contattato dal nostro area manager di fiducia!

Hello! Do you want more information and know the price we reserved for you? Fill the form, our area manager will contact you soon.

Ciao! Vuoi ulteriori informazioni e/o sapere il prezzo a te riservato?
Compila il form, verrai contattato dal nostro area manager di fiducia!

Hello! Want to try FALKO at IDS 2023 without having to wait in line? Book an appointment and secure a trial slot.

Interfaccia Videocamera

Con FALKO collegato ad un sistema video (ad esempio microscopio, telecamera lampada, OKKIO HDMI ecc...) e funzione PIP attiva, il medico oltre a vede l’immagine dalla sua prospettiva, vedrà in contemporanea anche l’informazione visiva dalla prospettiva dell’assistente  o del collega accanto a lui. A sua volta l’assistente o il collega (con il visore FALKO WIRE) potrà vedere anche l’informazione visiva del medico. Questo sistema agevola il coordinamento di due professionisti che lavorano entrambi su un paziente.

Modulo Poltrona

Gestione delle funzioni principali di movimentazione delle poltrone odontoiatriche Tecnomed Italia.

Modulo Lampada

Gestione delle funzioni principali della nostra lampada scialitica EsaCam con telecamera.

Comandi sempre a portata di mano:

- Regolazione dello zoom.
- Regolazione diaframma.
- Regolazione intensità luminosa.

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